Is your Mind FullOR–Are you Mindful?

Photo credit: (Left) Photo by Luis Villasmil; (Right) Photo by Fuu J

Photo credit: (Left) Photo by Luis Villasmil; (Right) Photo by Fuu J


Welcome to Mindful Maus

If you would like to be more “mindful” you’ve come to the right place

Mindfulness is an easy to learn technique that is currently being used by thousands of hospitals, schools, sports teams, corporations, and even the US Military. There have been over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies showing its effectiveness in treating stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, as well as improving mental clarity, performance, memory, attention, sleep, communication and reactivity.

Mindful Maus also offers training in the Enneagram, a tool to enhance self-awareness and better understanding of others. Since self-awareness is a key aspect of Mindfulness, the Enneagram is incredibly useful in leading a more Mindful life.

Mindful Maus makes learning Mindfulness and the Enneagram easy and fun. Click on the titles below for more information/dates/times

The most widely researched program on Mindfulness and recommended way to learn. Since it’s invention in 1979  (by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PHD, University of Massachusetts Medical Center), this course has become the gold standard for learning Mindfulness. In this 8 week course, you will be guided through various mindfulness practices and you will learn mindfulness skills that you can easily incorporate into your life.

Learn more about Mindfulness and MBSR in a 1 hour presentation or schedule a presentation for your group individually tailored to your needs.

  • Self-guided

Mindful Maus offers free recordings of all the practices we do in an MBSR class so you can give this learning method a try on your own time. Why not start NOW? Subscribe at the bottom of this page to receive the recordings link.

Self-awareness is a key component in living more mindfully. More than a personality test, the Enneagram provides a road map to personal growth. Attend a workshop, plan a retreat for your group or business and/or schedule an individualized “typing” interview.


Upcoming Events


“My therapist recommended the Mindful Maus course. I’m on Week 5 and have enjoyed each class. Each class challenges you in a different way, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Our group is small, comprised of individuals who have varying degrees of experience/knowledge around meditation and yoga. Despite these differences, Julie, the facilitator, somehow makes the classes suitable for all of us. She also remembers details about each participant, and is adept at interweaving our input into her lessons, thus personalizing them. The classes integrate mindfulness practices, yoga, and, classroom-style discussion, and some academia. Well worth the cost.”

Brenda DeHart

“I found Julie's class to have a profound effect on me. I have been meditating "recreationally" for a few years, but not until I took this class did I experience the effects of being mindful. It has helped me at work and definitely at home! Julie is a brilliant teacher who connects the dots to a full understanding on how to heal. I strongly recommend this class to anyone who wants to see improvement in their relationships, work, and self!”

Katie C

“Julie does an incredible job teaching MBSR. She didn’t just teach the practice of mindfulness and meditation but went further to equip me to use them in day-to-day life. I highly recommend the class to anyone of all ages, whether new to mindfulness meditation or not. I had never meditated before class but now use MBSR techniques in all aspects of my life as a medical student and athlete. Go in with an open mind and leave any preconceived notions at the door.”

Jim Snitzer, Student Emory Medical School

“Two years have gone by since I first took Julie’s 8 week SBMSR class. I had been intrigued about the healing benefits that come with calming the nervous system and softening reactivity to my own life stressors. Julie has such nurturing gifts that allow the individual to feel comfortable engaging in the many practices of mindfulness-leaving one to take and adapt them into their own lifestyle. Learning how to be present seems to be needed now more than ever. These teachings may not remove life’s challenges but it surely creates a more self compassionate practice that alters that ability to get still and choose- love over fear, forgiveness over judgement.”

Alexa Crane, Mother of 7

"I took Julie's MBSR class two years ago as a relative beginner to mindfulness. I highly recommend this class for anyone wanting to start a regular practice or pick up tips for incorporating mindfulness into their daily routine. Julie creates a safe and welcoming space for everyone - you won't regret investing in her classes!"

Kristin Gilchrist - Founder of Mindshine Foundation

“Julie is such a wise and compassionate teacher. The MBSR program helped me recommit to my meditation practice, and in the process taught me tools to transform my stress response both on and off my yoga mat. I am so grateful for taking this program with Julie. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to change their relationship with stress.'“

Cheryl Anders, Owner Yoga Center of Steamboat

“Julie’s MBSR class changed my life! I deal with anxiety on a daily basis and never feel like I handle stressful situations well. Julie taught me how to use mindfulness meditation, body awareness and yoga as tools to help me recognize ruminating thoughts and unconstructive impulses that plague my everyday life. After taking Julie’s class I have learned how to pause and watch my reactions to nagging, fretful thoughts and irksome situations before reacting, making my life happier and more at ease. Julie is a gifted, passionate and patient teacher and I wholeheartedly recommend her MBSR classes, guided meditations and mindfulness presentations. She will change your life too!”

Rita L.
